Friday, December 19, 2014

Just Hello and a video!

Hello Folks,
    Are you busy, busy, busy? I know this is a season that can be quite hectic, but I do so hope you are slowing down every once in a while just to take it all in and smell the roses so to speak- or maybe the pine? Any how this is just a quick drop in to say hello and share 2 more of my favorite dollhouse videos with you. Here's hoping you are all having a lovely Christmas season! Love and blessings to you all,


  1. Doll Houses! So precious. So evoking a gentler era. :-)

    Glad you are taking time to enjoy all of this Time of the Year.

    Happy Eve of Yule,
    'Miss' Tessa~

    1. You know Tessa, I think that's why I love them so is because they do recall a more innocent and gentler time! Hope you are having a lovely Christmas Season.

  2. Wow, I just love the 1860 dollhouse, It makes me want to get rid of all my newer minis and get only antique minis! Wow, love it!

    1. Oh I know it Gina- the antique doll houses are the best but can be quiet expensive. I'm just waiting to find one I can afford!
      Hope your having a wonderful Christmas season!
