Sunday, January 26, 2014

Hello Everybody,
               Well I just wanted to check in with everybody, say hi and let you know I haven't given up blogging I'm just having difficulty getting my pictures to load! I can get the pictures to open up fine but when I try to add them to the blog they just get frozen with the little color wheel going round. I end up having to close out of blogger. If any of you know how to fix this problem please let me know. As you all have probably guessed by now, I am technologically challenged, Ha Ha, so any suggestions you have I would really appreciate. I may have to go see the geek squad! Oh well, till next time love and blessings to you all.


  1. Hi Teresa, I was wondering when you were going to post again. Well I do hope you get it figured out soon, it's so frustrating not being able to do what you want when you know the answer is probably simple but you just don't know what it is. Wish I could help but I know less than you ! Good Luck, Barb.

  2. Hey Aunt Teresa,

    You need to get over and see if we can fix this thing... It is always hard to figure out when there is a problem. Savanah just started a blog too. You can see the link on my blog.

    Love you,
    Amy Jo

  3. I hope you get this problem figured out & fixed, then post a blog with very detailed info on the problem AND the solution. There are probably a lot of people who've had the same problem.

  4. Things like that are so frustrating. I hope you can figure it out.

    1. Val,
      Thanks so much for stopping by, I'm sorry it was a bore when you did, but hopefully I will figure this out and get back on track soon!

  5. I was having the same problem downloading pictures. I switched to chrome google and problem solved. Good luck!

    1. Thank you Myrtle Mayham,
      It worked, I'm back in business!!
